


The project:

During the “Building the Best” project (2008-0012-LEO-PP-09) our partnership found a best, innovative practice to be transferred that will greatly strengthen delivery of vocational education in Europe.

When studying different education delivery models in Estonia, Germany, Italy, and Poland, we discovered a unique Polish model. It is an intermediary step between the German dual system, where companies are responsible for practical training and VET schools provide the theoretical training, and other countries where training takes place in both vocational schools and enterprises. The Gdansk-Model gives key steps for implementing and valuable lessons on the mutual economic benefits to enterprises and schools involved in deeper level cooperation.

Here, educationally trained practitioners act as company representatives that reside in Polish vocational schools. These companies establish workshop rooms housed within the vocational school building and train students practically.

The benefit to companies is customized training according to their needs, and the benefit for schools is a secure and well monitored practical training environment with the latest equipment used in the profession.

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